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Motor City Entertainment
17392 Contesti
Clinton Township, MI 48035

Schedule Report for DOP9 - Nail Sun 2 Person

Report Date: 12/22/2024 6:27 PM

# Div. Team / Site Name Site Address Site Phone
1AAndrea And Larry
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
2ABob And Josie
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
3ABrian N Robbie
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
4ADon And John
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
5AEd And Fran
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
6AJay N Courtney
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
7AJeff And George
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
8AJess And Mike
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
9AJohn N Lori
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
10AKen N Julie
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
11APatti And Randy
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
13ARich And Leanne
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
14ATammy N Belinda
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
15ATrey And Angie
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
16AWhat The EL
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311

Division A

Week Date Home Away At Notes
1 9/08/2024
Rich And Leanne Andrea And Larry The Nail
Brian N Robbie Don And John The Nail
Jeff And George Tammy N Belinda The Nail
John N Lori PAUL N Ken The Nail
Patti And Randy Ken N Julie The Nail
Ed And Fran Jess And Mike The Nail
What The EL Jay N Courtney The Nail
Trey And Angie Bob And Josie The Nail
2 9/22/2024
Andrea And Larry Bob And Josie The Nail
Jay N Courtney Trey And Angie The Nail
Jess And Mike What The EL The Nail
Ken N Julie Ed And Fran The Nail
PAUL N Ken Patti And Randy The Nail
Tammy N Belinda John N Lori The Nail
Don And John Jeff And George The Nail
Rich And Leanne Brian N Robbie The Nail
3 10/06/2024
Brian N Robbie Andrea And Larry The Nail
Jeff And George Rich And Leanne The Nail
John N Lori Don And John The Nail
Patti And Randy Tammy N Belinda The Nail
Ed And Fran PAUL N Ken The Nail
What The EL Ken N Julie The Nail
Trey And Angie Jess And Mike The Nail
Bob And Josie Jay N Courtney The Nail
4 10/20/2024
Andrea And Larry Jay N Courtney The Nail
Jess And Mike Bob And Josie The Nail
Ken N Julie Trey And Angie The Nail
PAUL N Ken What The EL The Nail
Tammy N Belinda Ed And Fran The Nail
Don And John Patti And Randy The Nail
Rich And Leanne John N Lori The Nail
Brian N Robbie Jeff And George The Nail
5 11/03/2024
Jeff And George Andrea And Larry The Nail
John N Lori Brian N Robbie The Nail
Patti And Randy Rich And Leanne The Nail
Ed And Fran Don And John The Nail
What The EL Tammy N Belinda The Nail
Trey And Angie PAUL N Ken The Nail
Bob And Josie Ken N Julie The Nail
Jay N Courtney Jess And Mike The Nail
6 11/17/2024
Andrea And Larry Jess And Mike The Nail
Ken N Julie Jay N Courtney The Nail
PAUL N Ken Bob And Josie The Nail
Tammy N Belinda Trey And Angie The Nail
Don And John What The EL The Nail
Rich And Leanne Ed And Fran The Nail
Brian N Robbie Patti And Randy The Nail
Jeff And George John N Lori The Nail
7 12/01/2024
John N Lori Andrea And Larry The Nail
Patti And Randy Jeff And George The Nail
Ed And Fran Brian N Robbie The Nail
What The EL Rich And Leanne The Nail
Trey And Angie Don And John The Nail
Bob And Josie Tammy N Belinda The Nail
Jay N Courtney PAUL N Ken The Nail
Jess And Mike Ken N Julie The Nail
8 12/15/2024
Andrea And Larry Ken N Julie The Nail
PAUL N Ken Jess And Mike The Nail
Tammy N Belinda Jay N Courtney The Nail
Don And John Bob And Josie The Nail
Rich And Leanne Trey And Angie The Nail
Brian N Robbie What The EL The Nail
Jeff And George Ed And Fran The Nail
John N Lori Patti And Randy The Nail
9 12/29/2024
Patti And Randy Andrea And Larry The Nail
Ed And Fran John N Lori The Nail
What The EL Jeff And George The Nail
Trey And Angie Brian N Robbie The Nail
Bob And Josie Rich And Leanne The Nail
Jay N Courtney Don And John The Nail
Jess And Mike Tammy N Belinda The Nail
Ken N Julie PAUL N Ken The Nail
10 1/12/2025
Andrea And Larry PAUL N Ken The Nail
Tammy N Belinda Ken N Julie The Nail
Don And John Jess And Mike The Nail
Rich And Leanne Jay N Courtney The Nail
Brian N Robbie Bob And Josie The Nail
Jeff And George Trey And Angie The Nail
John N Lori What The EL The Nail
Patti And Randy Ed And Fran The Nail
11 1/26/2025
Ed And Fran Andrea And Larry The Nail
What The EL Patti And Randy The Nail
Trey And Angie John N Lori The Nail
Bob And Josie Jeff And George The Nail
Jay N Courtney Brian N Robbie The Nail
Jess And Mike Rich And Leanne The Nail
Ken N Julie Don And John The Nail
PAUL N Ken Tammy N Belinda The Nail
12 2/09/2025
Andrea And Larry Tammy N Belinda The Nail
Don And John PAUL N Ken The Nail
Rich And Leanne Ken N Julie The Nail
Brian N Robbie Jess And Mike The Nail
Jeff And George Jay N Courtney The Nail
John N Lori Bob And Josie The Nail
Patti And Randy Trey And Angie The Nail
Ed And Fran What The EL The Nail
13 2/23/2025
What The EL Andrea And Larry The Nail
Trey And Angie Ed And Fran The Nail
Bob And Josie Patti And Randy The Nail
Jay N Courtney John N Lori The Nail
Jess And Mike Jeff And George The Nail
Ken N Julie Brian N Robbie The Nail
PAUL N Ken Rich And Leanne The Nail
Tammy N Belinda Don And John The Nail
14 3/23/2025
Andrea And Larry Don And John The Nail
Rich And Leanne Tammy N Belinda The Nail
Brian N Robbie PAUL N Ken The Nail
Jeff And George Ken N Julie The Nail
John N Lori Jess And Mike The Nail
Patti And Randy Jay N Courtney The Nail
Ed And Fran Bob And Josie The Nail
What The EL Trey And Angie The Nail
15 4/06/2025
Trey And Angie Andrea And Larry The Nail
Bob And Josie What The EL The Nail
Jay N Courtney Ed And Fran The Nail
Jess And Mike Patti And Randy The Nail
Ken N Julie John N Lori The Nail
PAUL N Ken Jeff And George The Nail
Tammy N Belinda Brian N Robbie The Nail
Don And John Rich And Leanne The Nail
16 4/20/2025
Andrea And Larry Trey And Angie The Nail
What The EL Bob And Josie The Nail
Ed And Fran Jay N Courtney The Nail
Patti And Randy Jess And Mike The Nail
John N Lori Ken N Julie The Nail
Jeff And George PAUL N Ken The Nail
Brian N Robbie Tammy N Belinda The Nail
Rich And Leanne Don And John The Nail
17 5/04/2025
Don And John Andrea And Larry The Nail
Tammy N Belinda Rich And Leanne The Nail
PAUL N Ken Brian N Robbie The Nail
Ken N Julie Jeff And George The Nail
Jess And Mike John N Lori The Nail
Jay N Courtney Patti And Randy The Nail
Bob And Josie Ed And Fran The Nail
Trey And Angie What The EL The Nail
18 5/18/2025
Andrea And Larry What The EL The Nail
Ed And Fran Trey And Angie The Nail
Patti And Randy Bob And Josie The Nail
John N Lori Jay N Courtney The Nail
Jeff And George Jess And Mike The Nail
Brian N Robbie Ken N Julie The Nail
Rich And Leanne PAUL N Ken The Nail
Don And John Tammy N Belinda The Nail
19 6/01/2025
Andrea And Larry Ed And Fran The Nail
Patti And Randy What The EL The Nail
John N Lori Trey And Angie The Nail
Jeff And George Bob And Josie The Nail
Brian N Robbie Jay N Courtney The Nail
Rich And Leanne Jess And Mike The Nail
Don And John Ken N Julie The Nail
Tammy N Belinda PAUL N Ken The Nail
20 3/09/2025
Tammy N Belinda Andrea And Larry The Nail
PAUL N Ken Don And John The Nail
Ken N Julie Rich And Leanne The Nail
Jess And Mike Brian N Robbie The Nail
Jay N Courtney Jeff And George The Nail
Bob And Josie John N Lori The Nail
Trey And Angie Patti And Randy The Nail
What The EL Ed And Fran The Nail

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