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Schedule Report for WLTH06 - Whitmore Lanes Th Doubles

Report Date: 12/22/2024 6:14 PM

# Div. Team / Site Name Site Address Site Phone
1AAngelo And Bill
Whitmore Lanes
 9455 Main Street Whitmore Lake, MI 48189 7344494405
2ABill And Linda
Whitmore Lanes
 9455 Main Street Whitmore Lake, MI 48189 7344494405
3ABuffy And Dan
Whitmore Lanes
 9455 Main Street Whitmore Lake, MI 48189 7344494405
4ACallen And Estella
Whitmore Lanes
 9455 Main Street Whitmore Lake, MI 48189 7344494405
5AGunner And Cody
Whitmore Lanes
 9455 Main Street Whitmore Lake, MI 48189 7344494405
6AJohn And Lori
Whitmore Lanes
 9455 Main Street Whitmore Lake, MI 48189 7344494405
7ALea And Marshall
Whitmore Lanes
 9455 Main Street Whitmore Lake, MI 48189 7344494405
8AMike And Di
Whitmore Lanes
 9455 Main Street Whitmore Lake, MI 48189 7344494405
9ARob And Tommy
Whitmore Lanes
 9455 Main Street Whitmore Lake, MI 48189 7344494405
10ARose And Wendy
Whitmore Lanes
 9455 Main Street Whitmore Lake, MI 48189 7344494405
11AThe Tidswells
Whitmore Lanes
 9455 Main Street Whitmore Lake, MI 48189 7344494405
12ATony And Sully
Whitmore Lanes
 9455 Main Street Whitmore Lake, MI 48189 7344494405

Division A

Week Date Home Away At Notes
1 9/12/2024
Mike And Di Angelo And Bill Whitmore Lanes
Bill And Linda Tony And Sully Whitmore Lanes
Callen And Estella Lea And Marshall Whitmore Lanes
Gunner And Cody Buffy And Dan Whitmore Lanes
Rose And Wendy Rob And Tommy Whitmore Lanes
The Tidswells John And Lori Whitmore Lanes
2 9/19/2024
Rose And Wendy Mike And Di Whitmore Lanes
The Tidswells Gunner And Cody Whitmore Lanes
John And Lori Callen And Estella Whitmore Lanes
Rob And Tommy Bill And Linda Whitmore Lanes
Buffy And Dan Angelo And Bill Whitmore Lanes
Lea And Marshall Tony And Sully Whitmore Lanes
3 9/26/2024
Bill And Linda Mike And Di Whitmore Lanes
Callen And Estella Angelo And Bill Whitmore Lanes
Gunner And Cody Tony And Sully Whitmore Lanes
Rose And Wendy Lea And Marshall Whitmore Lanes
The Tidswells Buffy And Dan Whitmore Lanes
John And Lori Rob And Tommy Whitmore Lanes
4 10/03/2024
The Tidswells Mike And Di Whitmore Lanes
John And Lori Rose And Wendy Whitmore Lanes
Rob And Tommy Gunner And Cody Whitmore Lanes
Buffy And Dan Callen And Estella Whitmore Lanes
Lea And Marshall Bill And Linda Whitmore Lanes
Tony And Sully Angelo And Bill Whitmore Lanes
5 10/10/2024
Mike And Di Tony And Sully Whitmore Lanes
Angelo And Bill Lea And Marshall Whitmore Lanes
Bill And Linda Buffy And Dan Whitmore Lanes
Callen And Estella Rob And Tommy Whitmore Lanes
Gunner And Cody John And Lori Whitmore Lanes
Rose And Wendy The Tidswells Whitmore Lanes
6 10/17/2024
John And Lori Mike And Di Whitmore Lanes
Rob And Tommy The Tidswells Whitmore Lanes
Buffy And Dan Rose And Wendy Whitmore Lanes
Lea And Marshall Gunner And Cody Whitmore Lanes
Tony And Sully Callen And Estella Whitmore Lanes
Angelo And Bill Bill And Linda Whitmore Lanes
7 10/24/2024
Mike And Di Lea And Marshall Whitmore Lanes
Tony And Sully Buffy And Dan Whitmore Lanes
Angelo And Bill Rob And Tommy Whitmore Lanes
Bill And Linda John And Lori Whitmore Lanes
Callen And Estella The Tidswells Whitmore Lanes
Gunner And Cody Rose And Wendy Whitmore Lanes
8 10/31/2024
Gunner And Cody Mike And Di Whitmore Lanes
Rose And Wendy Callen And Estella Whitmore Lanes
The Tidswells Bill And Linda Whitmore Lanes
John And Lori Angelo And Bill Whitmore Lanes
Rob And Tommy Tony And Sully Whitmore Lanes
Buffy And Dan Lea And Marshall Whitmore Lanes
9 11/07/2024
Mike And Di Buffy And Dan Whitmore Lanes
Lea And Marshall Rob And Tommy Whitmore Lanes
Tony And Sully John And Lori Whitmore Lanes
Angelo And Bill The Tidswells Whitmore Lanes
Bill And Linda Rose And Wendy Whitmore Lanes
Callen And Estella Gunner And Cody Whitmore Lanes
10 11/14/2024
Callen And Estella Mike And Di Whitmore Lanes
Gunner And Cody Bill And Linda Whitmore Lanes
Rose And Wendy Angelo And Bill Whitmore Lanes
The Tidswells Tony And Sully Whitmore Lanes
John And Lori Lea And Marshall Whitmore Lanes
Rob And Tommy Buffy And Dan Whitmore Lanes
11 11/21/2024
Mike And Di Rob And Tommy Whitmore Lanes
Buffy And Dan John And Lori Whitmore Lanes
Lea And Marshall The Tidswells Whitmore Lanes
Tony And Sully Rose And Wendy Whitmore Lanes
Angelo And Bill Gunner And Cody Whitmore Lanes
Bill And Linda Callen And Estella Whitmore Lanes
12 11/28/2024 Position Round Happy Thanksgiving! No Darts tonight.
13 12/05/2024
Angelo And Bill Mike And Di Whitmore Lanes
Tony And Sully Bill And Linda Whitmore Lanes
Lea And Marshall Callen And Estella Whitmore Lanes
Buffy And Dan Gunner And Cody Whitmore Lanes
Rob And Tommy Rose And Wendy Whitmore Lanes
John And Lori The Tidswells Whitmore Lanes
14 12/12/2024
Mike And Di Rose And Wendy Whitmore Lanes
Gunner And Cody The Tidswells Whitmore Lanes
Callen And Estella John And Lori Whitmore Lanes
Bill And Linda Rob And Tommy Whitmore Lanes
Angelo And Bill Buffy And Dan Whitmore Lanes
Tony And Sully Lea And Marshall Whitmore Lanes
15 12/19/2024
Mike And Di Bill And Linda Whitmore Lanes
Angelo And Bill Callen And Estella Whitmore Lanes
Tony And Sully Gunner And Cody Whitmore Lanes
Lea And Marshall Rose And Wendy Whitmore Lanes
Buffy And Dan The Tidswells Whitmore Lanes
Rob And Tommy John And Lori Whitmore Lanes
16 12/26/2024 Position Round Merry Christmas! No Darts tonight.
17 1/02/2025
Mike And Di The Tidswells Whitmore Lanes
Rose And Wendy John And Lori Whitmore Lanes
Gunner And Cody Rob And Tommy Whitmore Lanes
Callen And Estella Buffy And Dan Whitmore Lanes
Bill And Linda Lea And Marshall Whitmore Lanes
Angelo And Bill Tony And Sully Whitmore Lanes
18 1/09/2025
Tony And Sully Mike And Di Whitmore Lanes
Lea And Marshall Angelo And Bill Whitmore Lanes
Buffy And Dan Bill And Linda Whitmore Lanes
Rob And Tommy Callen And Estella Whitmore Lanes
John And Lori Gunner And Cody Whitmore Lanes
The Tidswells Rose And Wendy Whitmore Lanes
19 1/16/2025
Mike And Di John And Lori Whitmore Lanes
The Tidswells Rob And Tommy Whitmore Lanes
Rose And Wendy Buffy And Dan Whitmore Lanes
Gunner And Cody Lea And Marshall Whitmore Lanes
Callen And Estella Tony And Sully Whitmore Lanes
Bill And Linda Angelo And Bill Whitmore Lanes
20 1/23/2025
Lea And Marshall Mike And Di Whitmore Lanes
Buffy And Dan Tony And Sully Whitmore Lanes
Rob And Tommy Angelo And Bill Whitmore Lanes
John And Lori Bill And Linda Whitmore Lanes
The Tidswells Callen And Estella Whitmore Lanes
Rose And Wendy Gunner And Cody Whitmore Lanes
21 1/30/2025
Mike And Di Gunner And Cody Whitmore Lanes
Callen And Estella Rose And Wendy Whitmore Lanes
Bill And Linda The Tidswells Whitmore Lanes
Angelo And Bill John And Lori Whitmore Lanes
Tony And Sully Rob And Tommy Whitmore Lanes
Lea And Marshall Buffy And Dan Whitmore Lanes
22 2/06/2025
Buffy And Dan Mike And Di Whitmore Lanes
Rob And Tommy Lea And Marshall Whitmore Lanes
John And Lori Tony And Sully Whitmore Lanes
The Tidswells Angelo And Bill Whitmore Lanes
Rose And Wendy Bill And Linda Whitmore Lanes
Gunner And Cody Callen And Estella Whitmore Lanes
23 2/13/2025
Mike And Di Callen And Estella Whitmore Lanes
Bill And Linda Gunner And Cody Whitmore Lanes
Angelo And Bill Rose And Wendy Whitmore Lanes
Tony And Sully The Tidswells Whitmore Lanes
Lea And Marshall John And Lori Whitmore Lanes
Buffy And Dan Rob And Tommy Whitmore Lanes
24 2/20/2025
Rob And Tommy Mike And Di Whitmore Lanes
John And Lori Buffy And Dan Whitmore Lanes
The Tidswells Lea And Marshall Whitmore Lanes
Rose And Wendy Tony And Sully Whitmore Lanes
Gunner And Cody Angelo And Bill Whitmore Lanes
Callen And Estella Bill And Linda Whitmore Lanes

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