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Motor City Entertainment
17392 Contesti
Clinton Township, MI 48035

Schedule Report for TNTH03 - Thurs 2 Person The Nail

Report Date: 12/22/2024 6:26 PM

# Div. Team / Site Name Site Address Site Phone
1AAngie And Stacey
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
2ABob And Jeff
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
3ABobbing For Stuba's
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
4AChris And Bryan
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
5AChris And Laura
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
6ADave And Scott
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
7AFran And Dan
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
8AFrank And Ed
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
9AGreg And Andy
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
10AGuess Who
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
11AJoe And John
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
12ALewis And King
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
13AMonica And Karen
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
14ANick And DJ
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
15ARobyn And Mike
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
16AShauna And Bryan
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
17ASteve And Paul
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
18ATeam Bond
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
19AThe Hanleys
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
20AThe Martins
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
21AThe Osentoski's
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311
22AThe Ostlings
The Nail
 36434 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Township, MI 48035 586-790-4311

Division A

Week Date Home Away At Notes
1 8/29/2024
Fran And Dan Bob And Jeff The Nail
The Hanleys The Osentoski's The Nail
Dave And Scott Chris And Laura The Nail
Shauna And Bryan Team Bond The Nail
Robyn And Mike Bobbing For Stuba's The Nail
Steve And Paul Angie And Stacey The Nail
Frank And Ed Chris And Bryan The Nail
Monica And Karen Lewis And King The Nail
Guess Who Joe And John The Nail
The Martins Greg And Andy The Nail
Nick And DJ The Ostlings The Nail
2 9/05/2024
The Osentoski's Chris And Laura The Nail
Bob And Jeff Team Bond The Nail
Fran And Dan Bobbing For Stuba's The Nail
The Hanleys Angie And Stacey The Nail
Dave And Scott Chris And Bryan The Nail
Shauna And Bryan Lewis And King The Nail
Robyn And Mike Joe And John The Nail
Steve And Paul Greg And Andy The Nail
Frank And Ed The Ostlings The Nail
Monica And Karen The Martins The Nail
Guess Who Nick And DJ The Nail
3 9/12/2024
The Martins Guess Who The Nail
The Ostlings Monica And Karen The Nail
Greg And Andy Frank And Ed The Nail
Joe And John Steve And Paul The Nail
Lewis And King Robyn And Mike The Nail
Chris And Bryan Shauna And Bryan The Nail
Angie And Stacey Dave And Scott The Nail
Bobbing For Stuba's The Hanleys The Nail
Team Bond Fran And Dan The Nail
Chris And Laura Bob And Jeff The Nail
Nick And DJ The Osentoski's The Nail
4 9/19/2024
Guess Who Monica And Karen The Nail
The Martins Frank And Ed The Nail
The Ostlings Steve And Paul The Nail
Greg And Andy Robyn And Mike The Nail
Joe And John Shauna And Bryan The Nail
Lewis And King Dave And Scott The Nail
Chris And Bryan The Hanleys The Nail
Angie And Stacey Fran And Dan The Nail
Bobbing For Stuba's Bob And Jeff The Nail
Team Bond The Osentoski's The Nail
Nick And DJ Chris And Laura The Nail
5 9/26/2024
Chris And Laura Team Bond The Nail
The Osentoski's Bobbing For Stuba's The Nail
Bob And Jeff Angie And Stacey The Nail
Fran And Dan Chris And Bryan The Nail
The Hanleys Lewis And King The Nail
Dave And Scott Joe And John The Nail
Shauna And Bryan Greg And Andy The Nail
Robyn And Mike The Ostlings The Nail
Steve And Paul The Martins The Nail
Frank And Ed Guess Who The Nail
Monica And Karen Nick And DJ The Nail
6 10/03/2024
Monica And Karen Frank And Ed The Nail
Guess Who Steve And Paul The Nail
The Martins Robyn And Mike The Nail
The Ostlings Shauna And Bryan The Nail
Greg And Andy Dave And Scott The Nail
Joe And John The Hanleys The Nail
Lewis And King Fran And Dan The Nail
Chris And Bryan Bob And Jeff The Nail
Angie And Stacey The Osentoski's The Nail
Bobbing For Stuba's Chris And Laura The Nail
Nick And DJ Team Bond The Nail
7 10/10/2024
Team Bond Bobbing For Stuba's The Nail
Chris And Laura Angie And Stacey The Nail
The Osentoski's Chris And Bryan The Nail
Bob And Jeff Lewis And King The Nail
Fran And Dan Joe And John The Nail
The Hanleys Greg And Andy The Nail
Dave And Scott The Ostlings The Nail
Shauna And Bryan The Martins The Nail
Robyn And Mike Guess Who The Nail
Steve And Paul Monica And Karen The Nail
Frank And Ed Nick And DJ The Nail
8 10/17/2024
Frank And Ed Steve And Paul The Nail
Monica And Karen Robyn And Mike The Nail
Guess Who Shauna And Bryan The Nail
The Martins Dave And Scott The Nail
The Ostlings The Hanleys The Nail
Greg And Andy Fran And Dan The Nail
Joe And John Bob And Jeff The Nail
Lewis And King The Osentoski's The Nail
Chris And Bryan Chris And Laura The Nail
Angie And Stacey Team Bond The Nail
Nick And DJ Bobbing For Stuba's The Nail
9 10/24/2024
Bobbing For Stuba's Angie And Stacey The Nail
Team Bond Chris And Bryan The Nail
Chris And Laura Lewis And King The Nail
The Osentoski's Joe And John The Nail
Bob And Jeff Greg And Andy The Nail
Fran And Dan The Ostlings The Nail
The Hanleys The Martins The Nail
Dave And Scott Guess Who The Nail
Shauna And Bryan Monica And Karen The Nail
Robyn And Mike Frank And Ed The Nail
Steve And Paul Nick And DJ The Nail
10 10/31/2024 Position Round No Darts this week!! Feel free to play a makeup match if needed.
11/14/2024 Bobbing For Stuba's Lewis And King The Nail Automatically Added
11 11/07/2024
11/14/2024 Steve And Paul Robyn And Mike The Nail
Frank And Ed Shauna And Bryan The Nail
Monica And Karen Dave And Scott The Nail
Guess Who The Hanleys The Nail
The Martins Fran And Dan The Nail
The Ostlings Bob And Jeff The Nail
Greg And Andy The Osentoski's The Nail
Joe And John Chris And Laura The Nail
10/31/2024 Lewis And King Team Bond The Nail
Chris And Bryan Bobbing For Stuba's The Nail
Nick And DJ Angie And Stacey The Nail
12 11/14/2024
Angie And Stacey Chris And Bryan The Nail
Bobbing For Stuba's Lewis And King The Nail
Team Bond Joe And John The Nail
Chris And Laura Greg And Andy The Nail
9/19/2024 The Osentoski's The Ostlings The Nail
Bob And Jeff The Martins The Nail
Fran And Dan Guess Who The Nail
The Hanleys Monica And Karen The Nail
Dave And Scott Frank And Ed The Nail
Shauna And Bryan Steve And Paul The Nail
Robyn And Mike Nick And DJ The Nail
13 11/21/2024
Robyn And Mike Shauna And Bryan The Nail
Steve And Paul Dave And Scott The Nail
Frank And Ed The Hanleys The Nail
Monica And Karen Fran And Dan The Nail
Guess Who Bob And Jeff The Nail
The Martins The Osentoski's The Nail
The Ostlings Chris And Laura The Nail
Greg And Andy Team Bond The Nail
Joe And John Bobbing For Stuba's The Nail
Lewis And King Angie And Stacey The Nail
12/05/2024 Nick And DJ Chris And Bryan The Nail
14 11/28/2024 Position Round No darts!! Thanksgiving Holiday. Happy turkey day, GO LIONS
15 12/05/2024
Chris And Bryan Lewis And King The Nail
Angie And Stacey Joe And John The Nail
Bobbing For Stuba's Greg And Andy The Nail
12/04/2024 Team Bond The Ostlings The Nail
Chris And Laura The Martins The Nail
The Osentoski's Guess Who The Nail
Bob And Jeff Monica And Karen The Nail
Fran And Dan Frank And Ed The Nail
The Hanleys Steve And Paul The Nail
Dave And Scott Robyn And Mike The Nail
Shauna And Bryan Nick And DJ The Nail
16 12/12/2024
Shauna And Bryan Dave And Scott The Nail
Robyn And Mike The Hanleys The Nail
Steve And Paul Fran And Dan The Nail
Frank And Ed Bob And Jeff The Nail
Monica And Karen The Osentoski's The Nail
Guess Who Chris And Laura The Nail
The Martins Team Bond The Nail
The Ostlings Bobbing For Stuba's The Nail
Greg And Andy Angie And Stacey The Nail
Joe And John Chris And Bryan The Nail
Nick And DJ Lewis And King The Nail
17 12/19/2024
12/12/2024 Lewis And King Joe And John The Nail
Chris And Bryan Greg And Andy The Nail
Angie And Stacey The Ostlings The Nail
Bobbing For Stuba's The Martins The Nail
Team Bond Guess Who The Nail
Chris And Laura Monica And Karen The Nail
The Osentoski's Frank And Ed The Nail
Bob And Jeff Steve And Paul The Nail
Fran And Dan Robyn And Mike The Nail
The Hanleys Shauna And Bryan The Nail
Dave And Scott Nick And DJ The Nail
18 12/26/2024
Dave And Scott The Hanleys The Nail
Shauna And Bryan Fran And Dan The Nail
Robyn And Mike Bob And Jeff The Nail
Steve And Paul The Osentoski's The Nail
Frank And Ed Chris And Laura The Nail
Monica And Karen Team Bond The Nail
Guess Who Bobbing For Stuba's The Nail
The Martins Angie And Stacey The Nail
The Ostlings Chris And Bryan The Nail
Greg And Andy Lewis And King The Nail
Nick And DJ Joe And John The Nail
19 1/02/2025
Joe And John Greg And Andy The Nail
Lewis And King The Ostlings The Nail
Chris And Bryan The Martins The Nail
Angie And Stacey Guess Who The Nail
Bobbing For Stuba's Monica And Karen The Nail
Team Bond Frank And Ed The Nail
Chris And Laura Steve And Paul The Nail
The Osentoski's Robyn And Mike The Nail
Bob And Jeff Shauna And Bryan The Nail
Fran And Dan Dave And Scott The Nail
The Hanleys Nick And DJ The Nail
20 1/09/2025
The Hanleys Fran And Dan The Nail
Dave And Scott Bob And Jeff The Nail
Shauna And Bryan The Osentoski's The Nail
Robyn And Mike Chris And Laura The Nail
Steve And Paul Team Bond The Nail
Frank And Ed Bobbing For Stuba's The Nail
Monica And Karen Angie And Stacey The Nail
Guess Who Chris And Bryan The Nail
The Martins Lewis And King The Nail
The Ostlings Joe And John The Nail
Nick And DJ Greg And Andy The Nail
21 1/16/2025
Greg And Andy The Ostlings The Nail
Joe And John The Martins The Nail
Lewis And King Guess Who The Nail
Chris And Bryan Monica And Karen The Nail
Angie And Stacey Frank And Ed The Nail
Bobbing For Stuba's Steve And Paul The Nail
Team Bond Robyn And Mike The Nail
Chris And Laura Shauna And Bryan The Nail
The Osentoski's Dave And Scott The Nail
Bob And Jeff The Hanleys The Nail
Fran And Dan Nick And DJ The Nail
22 1/23/2025
Bob And Jeff The Osentoski's The Nail
Fran And Dan Chris And Laura The Nail
The Hanleys Team Bond The Nail
Dave And Scott Bobbing For Stuba's The Nail
Shauna And Bryan Angie And Stacey The Nail
Robyn And Mike Chris And Bryan The Nail
Steve And Paul Lewis And King The Nail
Frank And Ed Joe And John The Nail
Monica And Karen Greg And Andy The Nail
Guess Who The Ostlings The Nail
The Martins Nick And DJ The Nail
23 1/30/2025
The Ostlings The Martins The Nail
Greg And Andy Guess Who The Nail
Joe And John Monica And Karen The Nail
Lewis And King Frank And Ed The Nail
Chris And Bryan Steve And Paul The Nail
Angie And Stacey Robyn And Mike The Nail
Bobbing For Stuba's Shauna And Bryan The Nail
Team Bond Dave And Scott The Nail
Chris And Laura The Hanleys The Nail
The Osentoski's Fran And Dan The Nail
Bob And Jeff Nick And DJ The Nail
24 2/06/2025
The Osentoski's Bob And Jeff The Nail
Chris And Laura Fran And Dan The Nail
Team Bond The Hanleys The Nail
Bobbing For Stuba's Dave And Scott The Nail
Angie And Stacey Shauna And Bryan The Nail
Chris And Bryan Robyn And Mike The Nail
Lewis And King Steve And Paul The Nail
Joe And John Frank And Ed The Nail
Greg And Andy Monica And Karen The Nail
The Ostlings Guess Who The Nail
Nick And DJ The Martins The Nail
25 2/13/2025
Guess Who The Martins The Nail
Monica And Karen The Ostlings The Nail
Frank And Ed Greg And Andy The Nail
Steve And Paul Joe And John The Nail
Robyn And Mike Lewis And King The Nail
Shauna And Bryan Chris And Bryan The Nail
Dave And Scott Angie And Stacey The Nail
The Hanleys Bobbing For Stuba's The Nail
Fran And Dan Team Bond The Nail
Bob And Jeff Chris And Laura The Nail
The Osentoski's Nick And DJ The Nail
26 2/20/2025
Chris And Laura The Osentoski's The Nail
Team Bond Bob And Jeff The Nail
Bobbing For Stuba's Fran And Dan The Nail
Angie And Stacey The Hanleys The Nail
Chris And Bryan Dave And Scott The Nail
Lewis And King Shauna And Bryan The Nail
Joe And John Robyn And Mike The Nail
Greg And Andy Steve And Paul The Nail
The Ostlings Frank And Ed The Nail
The Martins Monica And Karen The Nail
Nick And DJ Guess Who The Nail

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