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North American Dart Organization
1400 S. Raney St
Effingham, IL 62401
(833) 840-9233

Schedule Report for NT1GBA - Tues Sngls 70 Cap RVHD 7p

Report Date: 3/28/2025 3:31 AM

# Div. Team / Site Name Captain Name / Site Address Captain / Site Phone
1AAllen Lilly
Bridgeside Pub
Allen Lilly
1005 E 2nd ST Muscatine, IA 52761
2AChris Spittler
Frontrow GC
Chris Spittler
3062 Southwest Blvd Grove City, OH 43123
3AChristian Spittler
Frontrow GC
Christian Spittler
3062 Southwest Blvd Grove City, OH 43123
4ADustin Toner
Junction City Eagles
Dustin Toner
203 E 10th St Junction City, KS 66214
5AHeath Coomes
Eagles River City
Heath Coomes
1824 W Franklin St Evansville, IN 47712

6AJustin Renard
The Landing
Justin Renard
1605 Ft Howard Ave De Pere, WI 54115
7AThomas Campbell
Junction City Eagles
Thomas Campbell
203 E 10th St Junction City, KS 66214
8ATodd Laswell
Smiley's Pub
Todd Laswell
39 N 8th St Richmond, IN 47374

Division A

Site Name Site Address Site Phone
Smiley's Pub39 N 8th St Richmond IN, 47374765-962-6388
Junction City Eagles203 E 10th St Junction City KS, 66214785-238-3831
Frontrow GC3062 Southwest Blvd Grove City OH, 43123614-539-5947
Eagles River City1824 W Franklin St Evansville IN, 47712812-422-2956
Bridgeside Pub1005 E 2nd ST Muscatine IA, 52761563-554-5368
The Landing1605 Ft Howard Ave De Pere WI, 54115920-983-6950

Week Date Home Away At Notes
1 2/09/2021
Dustin Toner Christian Spittler Junction City Eagles
Chris Spittler Allen Lilly Frontrow GC
Todd Laswell Heath Coomes Smiley's Pub
Justin Renard Thomas Campbell The Landing
2 2/16/2021
Justin Renard Christian Spittler The Landing
Thomas Campbell Todd Laswell Junction City Eagles
Heath Coomes Chris Spittler Eagles River City
Allen Lilly Dustin Toner Bridgeside Pub
3 2/23/2021
Christian Spittler Allen Lilly Frontrow GC
Dustin Toner Heath Coomes Junction City Eagles
Chris Spittler Thomas Campbell Frontrow GC
Todd Laswell Justin Renard Smiley's Pub
4 3/02/2021
Todd Laswell Christian Spittler Smiley's Pub
Justin Renard Chris Spittler The Landing
Thomas Campbell Dustin Toner Junction City Eagles
Heath Coomes Allen Lilly Eagles River City
5 3/09/2021
5/04/2021 Christian Spittler Heath Coomes Frontrow GC
Allen Lilly Thomas Campbell Bridgeside Pub
Dustin Toner Justin Renard Junction City Eagles
Chris Spittler Todd Laswell Frontrow GC
6 3/16/2021
Chris Spittler Christian Spittler Frontrow GC
Todd Laswell Dustin Toner Smiley's Pub
Justin Renard Allen Lilly The Landing
Thomas Campbell Heath Coomes Junction City Eagles
7 3/23/2021
Christian Spittler Thomas Campbell Frontrow GC
Heath Coomes Justin Renard Eagles River City
Allen Lilly Todd Laswell Bridgeside Pub
Dustin Toner Chris Spittler Junction City Eagles
8 3/30/2021
Christian Spittler Dustin Toner Frontrow GC
Allen Lilly Chris Spittler Bridgeside Pub
Heath Coomes Todd Laswell Eagles River City
Thomas Campbell Justin Renard Junction City Eagles
9 4/06/2021
Christian Spittler Justin Renard Frontrow GC
Todd Laswell Thomas Campbell Smiley's Pub
Chris Spittler Heath Coomes Frontrow GC
Dustin Toner Allen Lilly Junction City Eagles
10 4/13/2021
Allen Lilly Christian Spittler Bridgeside Pub
Heath Coomes Dustin Toner Eagles River City
Thomas Campbell Chris Spittler Junction City Eagles
Justin Renard Todd Laswell The Landing
11 4/20/2021
Christian Spittler Todd Laswell Frontrow GC
Chris Spittler Justin Renard Frontrow GC
Dustin Toner Thomas Campbell Junction City Eagles
Allen Lilly Heath Coomes Bridgeside Pub
12 4/27/2021
5/04/2021 Heath Coomes Christian Spittler Eagles River City
Thomas Campbell Allen Lilly Junction City Eagles
Justin Renard Dustin Toner The Landing
Todd Laswell Chris Spittler Smiley's Pub
13 5/04/2021
Christian Spittler Chris Spittler Frontrow GC
Dustin Toner Todd Laswell Junction City Eagles
Allen Lilly Justin Renard Bridgeside Pub
Heath Coomes Thomas Campbell Eagles River City
14 5/11/2021
Thomas Campbell Christian Spittler Junction City Eagles
Justin Renard Heath Coomes The Landing
Todd Laswell Allen Lilly Smiley's Pub
Chris Spittler Dustin Toner Frontrow GC

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