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Schedule Report for 20FWFM - Friday Mixed FW 2020

Report Date: 1/02/2025 1:15 PM

# Div. Team / Site Name Captain Name / Site Address Captain / Site Phone
1AArc N Spark
FOE 128
Travis Nelson
1600 Thomes Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001
2ABatman And Robin
FOE 128
Jonathan Gale
1600 Thomes Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001
3ACobra And Badger
FOE 128
Rick Eckert
1600 Thomes Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001
4ACrippled 2
FOE 128
Patty Schade
1600 Thomes Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001
5ADart Demons
FOE 128
Jeff Blanton
1600 Thomes Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001
6ADarty Deeds
FOE 128
Wes Cure
1600 Thomes Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001
7ADream Crushers
FOE 128
Joe Archuleta
1600 Thomes Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001
8AHeart 2 Heart
FOE 128
Trina Fleenor
1600 Thomes Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001
FOE 128
David Hoem
1600 Thomes Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001
10AJust For Fun
FOE 128
Tina Winkels
1600 Thomes Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001
11ALatino Gingers
FOE 128
Mike Apodaca
1600 Thomes Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001
12AProjectile Dysfuncti
FOE 128
Angie Mcpeak
1600 Thomes Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001
13ASexy Bitches
Elks 660
Jill Romero
100 E 17th St Cheyenne, WY 82001
14ASlightly Off And Twi
Peppermill Cheyenne
Daniel Brown
1618 Stillwater Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001
15ASticky Buns
FOE 128
Jennifer Hinton
1600 Thomes Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001
16ASweet Georgia Peach
FOE 128
Jason Thomas
1600 Thomes Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001
17AThe Shockers
FOE 128
Al Gathman
1600 Thomes Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001

Division A

Week Date Home Away At Notes
1 9/25/2020
Slightly Off And Twi BYE BYE
The Shockers Batman And Robin FOE 128
Sweet Georgia Peach Crippled 2 FOE 128
Projectile Dysfuncti Dream Crushers FOE 128
Just For Fun Hoemies FOE 128
Heart 2 Heart Latino Gingers FOE 128
Dart Demons Sticky Buns FOE 128
Cobra And Badger Darty Deeds FOE 128
Arc N Spark Sexy Bitches FOE 128
2 10/02/2020
Heart 2 Heart Arc N Spark FOE 128
Just For Fun Dart Demons FOE 128
Projectile Dysfuncti Cobra And Badger FOE 128
Sexy Bitches Sweet Georgia Peach Elks 660
Darty Deeds The Shockers FOE 128
Sticky Buns Slightly Off And Twi FOE 128
Latino Gingers BYE BYE
Batman And Robin Hoemies FOE 128
Dream Crushers Crippled 2 FOE 128
3 10/09/2020
Arc N Spark Latino Gingers FOE 128
Hoemies Sticky Buns FOE 128
Dream Crushers Darty Deeds FOE 128
Crippled 2 Sexy Bitches FOE 128
Batman And Robin Cobra And Badger FOE 128
Dart Demons BYE BYE
Slightly Off And Twi Heart 2 Heart Peppermill Cheyenne
The Shockers Just For Fun FOE 128
Sweet Georgia Peach Projectile Dysfuncti FOE 128
4 10/16/2020
Sweet Georgia Peach Arc N Spark FOE 128
The Shockers Projectile Dysfuncti FOE 128
Just For Fun Slightly Off And Twi FOE 128
BYE Heart 2 Heart BYE
Dart Demons Batman And Robin FOE 128
Cobra And Badger Crippled 2 FOE 128
Sexy Bitches Dream Crushers Elks 660
Hoemies Darty Deeds FOE 128
Sticky Buns Latino Gingers FOE 128
5 10/23/2020
Slightly Off And Twi Arc N Spark Peppermill Cheyenne
BYE The Shockers BYE
Batman And Robin Sweet Georgia Peach FOE 128
Projectile Dysfuncti Crippled 2 FOE 128
Just For Fun Dream Crushers FOE 128
Heart 2 Heart Hoemies FOE 128
Latino Gingers Dart Demons FOE 128
Sticky Buns Cobra And Badger FOE 128
Darty Deeds Sexy Bitches FOE 128
6 10/30/2020
Arc N Spark Dart Demons FOE 128
Cobra And Badger Heart 2 Heart FOE 128
Sexy Bitches Just For Fun Elks 660
Projectile Dysfuncti Darty Deeds FOE 128
Sweet Georgia Peach Sticky Buns FOE 128
The Shockers Latino Gingers FOE 128
Hoemies Slightly Off And Twi FOE 128
Dream Crushers BYE BYE
Crippled 2 Batman And Robin FOE 128
7 11/06/2020
Crippled 2 Arc N Spark FOE 128
Batman And Robin Dream Crushers FOE 128
BYE Hoemies BYE
Latino Gingers Slightly Off And Twi FOE 128
The Shockers Sticky Buns FOE 128
Darty Deeds Sweet Georgia Peach FOE 128
Sexy Bitches Projectile Dysfuncti Elks 660
Just For Fun Cobra And Badger FOE 128
Dart Demons Heart 2 Heart FOE 128
8 11/13/2020
Darty Deeds Arc N Spark FOE 128
Sticky Buns Sexy Bitches FOE 128
Cobra And Badger Latino Gingers FOE 128
Hoemies Dart Demons FOE 128
Heart 2 Heart Dream Crushers FOE 128
Just For Fun Crippled 2 FOE 128
Projectile Dysfuncti Batman And Robin FOE 128
BYE Sweet Georgia Peach BYE
Slightly Off And Twi The Shockers Peppermill Cheyenne
9 11/20/2020
Arc N Spark Projectile Dysfuncti FOE 128
Sweet Georgia Peach Just For Fun FOE 128
Heart 2 Heart The Shockers FOE 128
Dart Demons Slightly Off And Twi FOE 128
Cobra And Badger BYE BYE
Sexy Bitches Batman And Robin Elks 660
Crippled 2 Darty Deeds FOE 128
Dream Crushers Sticky Buns FOE 128
Latino Gingers Hoemies FOE 128
10 1/08/2021
Arc N Spark BYE BYE
Batman And Robin Slightly Off And Twi FOE 128
The Shockers Crippled 2 FOE 128
Dream Crushers Sweet Georgia Peach FOE 128
Projectile Dysfuncti Hoemies FOE 128
Latino Gingers Just For Fun FOE 128
Sticky Buns Heart 2 Heart FOE 128
Darty Deeds Dart Demons FOE 128
Sexy Bitches Cobra And Badger Elks 660
11 1/15/2021
Batman And Robin Arc N Spark FOE 128
BYE Crippled 2 BYE
Slightly Off And Twi Dream Crushers Peppermill Cheyenne
Hoemies The Shockers FOE 128
Sweet Georgia Peach Latino Gingers FOE 128
Sticky Buns Projectile Dysfuncti FOE 128
Just For Fun Darty Deeds FOE 128
Heart 2 Heart Sexy Bitches FOE 128
Dart Demons Cobra And Badger FOE 128
12 1/22/2021
Cobra And Badger Arc N Spark FOE 128
Sexy Bitches Dart Demons Elks 660
Darty Deeds Heart 2 Heart FOE 128
Just For Fun Sticky Buns FOE 128
Projectile Dysfuncti Latino Gingers FOE 128
Hoemies Sweet Georgia Peach FOE 128
The Shockers Dream Crushers FOE 128
Crippled 2 Slightly Off And Twi FOE 128
BYE Batman And Robin BYE
13 1/29/2021
Arc N Spark Just For Fun FOE 128
Heart 2 Heart Projectile Dysfuncti FOE 128
Dart Demons Sweet Georgia Peach FOE 128
Cobra And Badger The Shockers FOE 128
Slightly Off And Twi Sexy Bitches Peppermill Cheyenne
Darty Deeds BYE BYE
Sticky Buns Batman And Robin FOE 128
Latino Gingers Crippled 2 FOE 128
Dream Crushers Hoemies FOE 128
14 2/05/2021
Arc N Spark Hoemies FOE 128
Latino Gingers Dream Crushers FOE 128
Crippled 2 Sticky Buns FOE 128
Batman And Robin Darty Deeds FOE 128
BYE Sexy Bitches BYE
Slightly Off And Twi Cobra And Badger Peppermill Cheyenne
The Shockers Dart Demons FOE 128
Sweet Georgia Peach Heart 2 Heart FOE 128
Projectile Dysfuncti Just For Fun FOE 128
15 2/12/2021
Sticky Buns Arc N Spark FOE 128
Darty Deeds Latino Gingers FOE 128
Hoemies Sexy Bitches FOE 128
Dream Crushers Cobra And Badger FOE 128
Dart Demons Crippled 2 FOE 128
Batman And Robin Heart 2 Heart FOE 128
Just For Fun BYE BYE
Slightly Off And Twi Projectile Dysfuncti Peppermill Cheyenne
The Shockers Sweet Georgia Peach FOE 128
16 2/19/2021
Arc N Spark Dream Crushers FOE 128
Crippled 2 Hoemies FOE 128
Latino Gingers Batman And Robin FOE 128
BYE Sticky Buns BYE
Darty Deeds Slightly Off And Twi FOE 128
Sexy Bitches The Shockers Elks 660
Cobra And Badger Sweet Georgia Peach FOE 128
Dart Demons Projectile Dysfuncti FOE 128
Heart 2 Heart Just For Fun FOE 128
17 2/26/2021
Arc N Spark The Shockers FOE 128
Sweet Georgia Peach Slightly Off And Twi FOE 128
Projectile Dysfuncti BYE BYE
Batman And Robin Just For Fun FOE 128
Heart 2 Heart Crippled 2 FOE 128
Dream Crushers Dart Demons FOE 128
Hoemies Cobra And Badger FOE 128
Sexy Bitches Latino Gingers Elks 660
Sticky Buns Darty Deeds FOE 128

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