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North American Dart Organization
1400 S. Raney St
Effingham, IL 62401
(833) 840-9233

Location Stats Report for NS1ECC - Sun Sngls 55 Cap RvHD 3pm

Report Date: 3/28/2025 2:39 AM

League Message
Carl Green has been dropped from the league. Any matches against him weeks
1-8 need to have a paid forfeit if you do not play him. Weeks 9-16 no
forfeit should be paid.

Team Standings, sorted by Wins

Team Win % Games Wins Losses Forfeits FeeCollect FeeExpecte
Division: A
Dale White 65.7 169 111 55 0 195.00 195.00
Tim D Brown 59.8 169 101 65 0 195.00 195.00
Felix Rageth 58.6 169 99 70 0 195.00 195.00
Jeff Quinn 53.8 169 91 78 0 195.00 195.00
Teghan Waggoner 49.7 169 84 85 0 195.00 195.00
Annette Bradburn 36.1 169 61 108 0 195.00 195.00
Travis Spadt 28.4 169 48 121 0 195.00 195.00
BYE 39.6 91 36 49 39 60.00 105.00

All X01 games, sorted by Wins:

Player Team PPD Games Wins Hats 3BD Ton80 HTon LTon 6DO 7DO 8DO 9DO
Dale White Dale White 24.94 97 62 26 0 0 1 106 0 0 0 0
Tim Brown Tim D Brown 22.54 97 62 8 0 0 1 95 0 0 1 3
Jeff Quinn Jeff Quinn 23.02 91 47 21 0 1 1 108 0 0 1 2
Teghan Waggoner Teghan Waggoner 24.48 91 43 16 0 0 1 124 0 0 1 0
Felix Rageth Felix Rageth 20.74 84 40 12 0 0 1 79 0 0 0 2
Annette Bradburn Annette Bradburn 18.45 91 39 6 0 0 1 66 0 0 0 0
Travis Spadt Travis Spadt 16.35 91 29 1 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 1
Carl Green Jr BYE 22.79 28 20 5 0 1 1 35 0 1 0 0

All Cricket games, sorted by Wins:

Player Team MPR Games Wins Assists Hats WHorse 5MR 6MR 7MR 8MR 9MR
Dale White Dale White 2.75 72 49 0 8 3 56 22 20 0 4
Felix Rageth Felix Rageth 2.39 72 46 0 3 2 43 24 9 1 2
Jeff Quinn Jeff Quinn 2.48 78 44 0 4 2 52 36 22 2 3
Teghan Waggoner Teghan Waggoner 2.66 78 41 0 4 0 66 22 16 3 4
Tim Brown Tim D Brown 2.48 72 39 0 2 0 52 22 10 0 6
Annette Bradburn Annette Bradburn 2.08 78 22 0 0 0 44 14 12 1 2
Travis Spadt Travis Spadt 1.72 78 19 0 0 0 16 6 4 1 0
Carl Green Jr BYE 2.75 24 16 0 3 1 30 7 10 0 1

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