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Dartboard Standings File for RMT60C - Remote 6 00 Cricket

Report Date: 3/14/2025 4:38 AM

League: RMT60C, Remote 6 00 Cricket

Report Date: 3/14/2025 4:38 AM

Division A

Team Standings, sorted by Percent Wins

 Team              | Win % | Games | Wins |
 Justin And Kar    |  66.7 |   210 |  140 |
 Chad And Timmy    |  62.2 |   225 |  140 |
 Kevin And Leslie  |  61.8 |   225 |  139 |
 Pat And James     |  60.4 |   225 |  136 |
 Scott And Jim     |  55.0 |   240 |  132 |
 Joey And Shawn    |  53.3 |   240 |  128 |
 RJ And Andrew     |  52.0 |   225 |  117 |
 Brad And Dennis   |  22.5 |   240 |   54 |
 Christie And Jenn |  20.4 |   240 |   49 |

All Cricket games, sorted by Wins:

 Player             | LeagueName | MPR  | Games |
 Kevin Crowder      | RMT60C     | 4.03 |   225 |
 Chad King          | RMT60C     | 2.87 |   225 |
 Joey Clos          | RMT60C     | 3.19 |   240 |
 Player             | LeagueName | MPR  | Games |
 Pat Goodpaster     | RMT60C     | 3.13 |   225 |
 RJ Londo           | RMT60C     | 2.97 |   225 |
 Scott Logan        | RMT60C     | 2.84 |   240 |
 James Burton       | RMT60C     | 2.66 |   225 |
 Jim Turner         | RMT60C     | 2.60 |   240 |
 Timmy McFadden     | RMT60C     | 2.75 |   225 |
 Karleion Blackburn | RMT60C     | 2.49 |   210 |
 Shawn Hay          | RMT60C     | 2.30 |   210 |
 Justin Fairbanks   | RMT60C     | 3.07 |   120 |
 Andrew Londo       | RMT60C     | 2.58 |   225 |
 Dennis Crowder     | RMT60C     | 2.35 |   240 |
 Leslie Teegarden   | RMT60C     | 1.96 |   210 |
 Tanner Odom        | RMT60C     | 3.47 |    75 |
 Christie Randall   | RMT60C     | 2.62 |   180 |
 Brad Workman       | RMT60C     | 2.12 |   225 |
 Jennifer Paiotti   | RMT60C     | 1.71 |   165 |
 Matthew Ramsey     | RMT60C     | 2.42 |    45 |
 Chase Benner       | RMT60C     | 3.07 |    15 |
 Anthony Thomas     | RMT60C     | 2.26 |    60 |
 Anthony Thomas     | RMT60C     | 2.19 |    15 |
 Shawn Bay          | RMT60C     | 2.18 |    30 |
 Owen Teegarden     | RMT60C     | 2.07 |    15 |
 Player             | LeagueName | MPR  | Games |
 Tasha Wells        | RMT60C     | 1.79 |    30 |

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