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Game Time Amusements
10625 Deme Dr. Suite G
Indianapolis, IN 46236

Schedule Report for RW90DB - Remote Winter 90 Cap

Report Date: 3/14/2025 5:05 AM

# Div. Team / Site Name Site Address Site Phone
1AAnthony And Leslie
Closing Time Bar
 9 Fronks Ln Brooksville, KY 41004 
2ABilly And Michelle
Closing Time Bar
 9 Fronks Ln Brooksville, KY 41004 
3ABrad And Jenn
Closing Time Bar
 9 Fronks Ln Brooksville, KY 41004 
Hog Rock EventCenter
 345 West Ripley Street Osgood, IN 47037 
5ABye 2
Hog Rock EventCenter
 345 West Ripley Street Osgood, IN 47037 
6ADennis And Tiffany
Closing Time Bar
 9 Fronks Ln Brooksville, KY 41004 
7ADustin And Dalton
Closing Time Bar
 9 Fronks Ln Brooksville, KY 41004 
8AIan And Chris
Hog Rock EventCenter
 345 West Ripley Street Osgood, IN 47037 
9AJeremy And Ruby
Imperial Lanes
 400 N 3rd Street Terre Haute, IN 47807 8122321319
10AJohn And Craig
Moose Sellersburg
  Sellersburg, IN 47172 8122462196
11AMichael And Denny
Closing Time Bar
 9 Fronks Ln Brooksville, KY 41004 
12AMikie And Kate
Hog Rock EventCenter
 345 West Ripley Street Osgood, IN 47037 
13AOpie And Buddy
American Legion 9
 707 Jefferson St Madison, IN 47250 
14ARich And Shannon
Hog Rock EventCenter
 345 West Ripley Street Osgood, IN 47037 

Division A

Week Date Home Away At Notes
1 1/12/2025
Rich And Shannon Anthony And Leslie Hog Rock EventCenter
Mikie And Kate Jeremy And Ruby Hog Rock EventCenter
Bye 2 Dennis And Tiffany Hog Rock EventCenter
Bye Dustin And Dalton Hog Rock EventCenter
Brad And Jenn Opie And Buddy Closing Time Bar
Billy And Michelle Michael And Denny Closing Time Bar
Ian And Chris John And Craig Hog Rock EventCenter
2 1/19/2025
John And Craig Mikie And Kate Moose Sellersburg
Dustin And Dalton Dennis And Tiffany Closing Time Bar
Opie And Buddy Jeremy And Ruby American Legion 9
Michael And Denny Anthony And Leslie Closing Time Bar
Ian And Chris Bye 2 Hog Rock EventCenter
Bye Billy And Michelle Hog Rock EventCenter
Brad And Jenn Rich And Shannon Closing Time Bar
3 1/26/2025
Rich And Shannon Opie And Buddy Hog Rock EventCenter
Dustin And Dalton Michael And Denny Closing Time Bar
Dennis And Tiffany John And Craig Closing Time Bar
Jeremy And Ruby Ian And Chris Imperial Lanes
Anthony And Leslie Billy And Michelle Closing Time Bar
Bye 2 Bye Hog Rock EventCenter
Mikie And Kate Brad And Jenn Hog Rock EventCenter
4 2/02/2025
Opie And Buddy Ian And Chris American Legion 9
Mikie And Kate Rich And Shannon Hog Rock EventCenter
Anthony And Leslie Bye 2 Closing Time Bar
Bye Jeremy And Ruby Hog Rock EventCenter
Brad And Jenn Dennis And Tiffany Closing Time Bar
Billy And Michelle Dustin And Dalton Closing Time Bar
John And Craig Michael And Denny Moose Sellersburg
5 2/09/2025
Rich And Shannon Billy And Michelle Hog Rock EventCenter
Ian And Chris Brad And Jenn Hog Rock EventCenter
John And Craig Bye Moose Sellersburg
Michael And Denny Bye 2 Closing Time Bar
Opie And Buddy Mikie And Kate American Legion 9
Dustin And Dalton Anthony And Leslie Closing Time Bar
Dennis And Tiffany Jeremy And Ruby Closing Time Bar
6 2/16/2025
Brad And Jenn John And Craig Closing Time Bar
Billy And Michelle Ian And Chris Closing Time Bar
Bye Michael And Denny Hog Rock EventCenter
Bye 2 Opie And Buddy Hog Rock EventCenter
Mikie And Kate Dustin And Dalton Hog Rock EventCenter
Anthony And Leslie Dennis And Tiffany Closing Time Bar
Jeremy And Ruby Rich And Shannon Imperial Lanes
7 3/02/2025
Dennis And Tiffany Bye Closing Time Bar
Anthony And Leslie Mikie And Kate Closing Time Bar
Jeremy And Ruby Bye 2 Imperial Lanes
Dustin And Dalton Brad And Jenn Closing Time Bar
Opie And Buddy Billy And Michelle American Legion 9
Ian And Chris Michael And Denny Hog Rock EventCenter
Rich And Shannon John And Craig Hog Rock EventCenter
8 3/09/2025
Michael And Denny Opie And Buddy Closing Time Bar
John And Craig Dustin And Dalton Moose Sellersburg
Ian And Chris Dennis And Tiffany Hog Rock EventCenter
Billy And Michelle Jeremy And Ruby Closing Time Bar
Brad And Jenn Anthony And Leslie Closing Time Bar
Bye Mikie And Kate Hog Rock EventCenter
Bye 2 Rich And Shannon Hog Rock EventCenter
9 3/16/2025
Mikie And Kate Bye 2 Hog Rock EventCenter
Anthony And Leslie Bye Closing Time Bar
Jeremy And Ruby Brad And Jenn Imperial Lanes
Dennis And Tiffany Billy And Michelle Closing Time Bar
Dustin And Dalton Ian And Chris Closing Time Bar
Opie And Buddy John And Craig American Legion 9
Rich And Shannon Michael And Denny Hog Rock EventCenter
10 3/23/2025
Dustin And Dalton Rich And Shannon Closing Time Bar
Dennis And Tiffany Opie And Buddy Closing Time Bar
Jeremy And Ruby Michael And Denny Imperial Lanes
Anthony And Leslie John And Craig Closing Time Bar
Mikie And Kate Ian And Chris Hog Rock EventCenter
Bye 2 Billy And Michelle Hog Rock EventCenter
Bye Brad And Jenn Hog Rock EventCenter
11 3/30/2025
Billy And Michelle Mikie And Kate Closing Time Bar
Brad And Jenn Bye 2 Closing Time Bar
Ian And Chris Anthony And Leslie Hog Rock EventCenter
John And Craig Jeremy And Ruby Moose Sellersburg
Michael And Denny Dennis And Tiffany Closing Time Bar
Opie And Buddy Dustin And Dalton American Legion 9
Rich And Shannon Bye Hog Rock EventCenter
12 4/06/2025
Mikie And Kate Michael And Denny Hog Rock EventCenter
Brad And Jenn Billy And Michelle Closing Time Bar
Bye Ian And Chris Hog Rock EventCenter
Bye 2 John And Craig Hog Rock EventCenter
Anthony And Leslie Opie And Buddy Closing Time Bar
Dustin And Dalton Jeremy And Ruby Closing Time Bar
Rich And Shannon Dennis And Tiffany Hog Rock EventCenter
13 4/20/2025
Dustin And Dalton Bye 2 Closing Time Bar
Jeremy And Ruby Anthony And Leslie Imperial Lanes
Dennis And Tiffany Mikie And Kate Closing Time Bar
Ian And Chris Rich And Shannon Hog Rock EventCenter
John And Craig Billy And Michelle Moose Sellersburg
Michael And Denny Brad And Jenn Closing Time Bar
Bye Opie And Buddy Hog Rock EventCenter
14 4/27/2025
Anthony And Leslie Rich And Shannon Closing Time Bar
Jeremy And Ruby Mikie And Kate Imperial Lanes
Dennis And Tiffany Bye 2 Closing Time Bar
Dustin And Dalton Bye Closing Time Bar
Opie And Buddy Brad And Jenn American Legion 9
Michael And Denny Billy And Michelle Closing Time Bar
John And Craig Ian And Chris Moose Sellersburg

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