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North American Dart Organization
1400 S. Raney St
Effingham, IL 62401
(833) 840-9233

Schedule Report for NH1DAB - Thurs Ladies Sngls 45 Cap

Report Date: 3/28/2025 2:24 AM

# Div. Team / Site Name Captain Name / Site Address Captain / Site Phone
1ABobbi Smith
Peg's Pub And Grub
Bobbi Wilson
1020 State Rt 10 W Clinton, IL 61727
2ACharity Norman
Am Legion Pate 265
Charity Norman
1301 N Fares Ave. Evansville, IN 62401
3AHayley Baylor
Am Legion Pate 265
Hayley Baylor
1301 N Fares Ave. Evansville, IN 62401
4AJacy Berghorst
Am Legion Pate 265
Jacy Berghorst
1301 N Fares Ave. Evansville, IN 62401
5AKatie Damore
Mangy Dawg
Katie Damore
1832 Army Trail Rd. Hanover Park, IL 60133
6ALindy McCollom
Am Legion Pate 265
Lindy McCollom
1301 N Fares Ave. Evansville, IN 62401
7AMichelle Rittenberry
Am Legion Pate 265
Michelle Rittenberry
1301 N Fares Ave. Evansville, IN 62401

Division A

Week Date Home Away At Notes
1 1/27/2022
Charity Norman Michelle Rittenberry Am Legion Pate 265
Jacy Berghorst BYE BYE
3/19/2022 Katie Damore Lindy McCollom Mangy Dawg
Bobbi Smith Hayley Baylor Peg's Pub And Grub
2 2/03/2022
Bobbi Smith Michelle Rittenberry Peg's Pub And Grub
Hayley Baylor Katie Damore Am Legion Pate 265
Lindy McCollom Jacy Berghorst Am Legion Pate 265
BYE Charity Norman BYE
3 2/10/2022
Michelle Rittenberry BYE BYE
Charity Norman Lindy McCollom Am Legion Pate 265
Jacy Berghorst Hayley Baylor Am Legion Pate 265
Katie Damore Bobbi Smith Mangy Dawg
4 2/17/2022
Katie Damore Michelle Rittenberry Mangy Dawg
Bobbi Smith Jacy Berghorst Peg's Pub And Grub
Hayley Baylor Charity Norman Am Legion Pate 265
Lindy McCollom BYE BYE
5 2/24/2022
Michelle Rittenberry Lindy McCollom Am Legion Pate 265
BYE Hayley Baylor BYE
Charity Norman Bobbi Smith Am Legion Pate 265
Jacy Berghorst Katie Damore Am Legion Pate 265
6 3/03/2022
Jacy Berghorst Michelle Rittenberry Am Legion Pate 265
Katie Damore Charity Norman Mangy Dawg
Bobbi Smith BYE BYE
Hayley Baylor Lindy McCollom Am Legion Pate 265
7 3/10/2022
Michelle Rittenberry Hayley Baylor Am Legion Pate 265
Lindy McCollom Bobbi Smith Am Legion Pate 265
BYE Katie Damore BYE
Charity Norman Jacy Berghorst Am Legion Pate 265
8 3/24/2022
Michelle Rittenberry Charity Norman Am Legion Pate 265
BYE Jacy Berghorst BYE
Lindy McCollom Katie Damore Am Legion Pate 265
Hayley Baylor Bobbi Smith Am Legion Pate 265
9 3/31/2022
Michelle Rittenberry Bobbi Smith Am Legion Pate 265
Katie Damore Hayley Baylor Mangy Dawg
Jacy Berghorst Lindy McCollom Am Legion Pate 265
Charity Norman BYE BYE
10 4/07/2022
BYE Michelle Rittenberry BYE
Lindy McCollom Charity Norman Am Legion Pate 265
Hayley Baylor Jacy Berghorst Am Legion Pate 265
Bobbi Smith Katie Damore Peg's Pub And Grub
11 4/14/2022
Michelle Rittenberry Katie Damore Am Legion Pate 265
Jacy Berghorst Bobbi Smith Am Legion Pate 265
Charity Norman Hayley Baylor Am Legion Pate 265
BYE Lindy McCollom BYE
12 4/21/2022
Lindy McCollom Michelle Rittenberry Am Legion Pate 265
Hayley Baylor BYE BYE
Bobbi Smith Charity Norman Peg's Pub And Grub
Katie Damore Jacy Berghorst Mangy Dawg
13 4/28/2022
5/07/2022 Michelle Rittenberry Jacy Berghorst Am Legion Pate 265
Charity Norman Katie Damore Am Legion Pate 265
BYE Bobbi Smith BYE
Lindy McCollom Hayley Baylor Am Legion Pate 265
14 5/05/2022
5/15/2022 Hayley Baylor Michelle Rittenberry Am Legion Pate 265
Bobbi Smith Lindy McCollom Peg's Pub And Grub
Katie Damore BYE BYE
Jacy Berghorst Charity Norman Am Legion Pate 265

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