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Schedule Report for 4PSTTU - South Town Tuesday 4PLYR

Report Date: 2/12/2025 6:25 PM

# Div. Team / Site Name Captain Name / Site Address Captain / Site Phone
1A180 Pints
Village Pizza Pint
Steve Janovic
14 Pierce Ave Hamburg, NY 14075
Buffalo's Best
Josh Torrance
3700 Southwestern Blvd. Orchard Park, NY 14217

3ABlind Squirrels
Pour House
Scott Kinley
23 S Buffalo St Hamburg, NY 14075
Wraith Panzak
7115 Boston State Rd Hamburg, NY 14075
Pour House
Bronson Ricey
23 S Buffalo St Hamburg, NY 14075
6AOneills 1
Joseph Best
3864 Abbott Rd Orchard Park, NY 14127
7AProhibition 2020
Prohibition 2020
Bernadette Singer
3847 Southwestern Blvd Orchard Park, NY 14127
8AThe Tavern Boys
East Eden Tavern
Jason Schiedel
8163 E Eden Rd Eden, NY 14057

9AThrowing Impaired
Buffalo's Best
3700 Southwestern Blvd. Orchard Park, NY 14217

Division A

Week Date Home Away At Notes
1 9/24/2024
Prohibition 2020 Oneills 1 Prohibition 2020
Throwing Impaired BYE BYE
Blind Squirrels Couzins Pour House
BBG 180 Pints Buffalo's Best
The Tavern Boys Mungos East Eden Tavern
2 10/01/2024
Prohibition 2020 The Tavern Boys Prohibition 2020
Throwing Impaired Mungos Buffalo's Best
Blind Squirrels Oneills 1 Pour House
180 Pints BYE BYE
Couzins BBG Couzin's
3 10/08/2024
BBG Prohibition 2020 Buffalo's Best
The Tavern Boys Throwing Impaired East Eden Tavern
Mungos Blind Squirrels Pour House
Oneills 1 180 Pints O'Neills
BYE Couzins BYE
4 10/15/2024
Blind Squirrels Throwing Impaired Pour House
180 Pints Prohibition 2020 Village Pizza Pint
Couzins The Tavern Boys Couzin's
BYE Mungos BYE
BBG Oneills 1 Buffalo's Best
5 10/22/2024
Blind Squirrels BBG Pour House
Throwing Impaired 180 Pints Buffalo's Best
Prohibition 2020 Couzins Prohibition 2020
The Tavern Boys BYE BYE
Oneills 1 Mungos O'Neills
6 10/29/2024
BYE Blind Squirrels BYE
Couzins 180 Pints Couzin's
Oneills 1 Throwing Impaired O'Neills
Mungos Prohibition 2020 Pour House
BBG The Tavern Boys Buffalo's Best
7 11/05/2024
Throwing Impaired Prohibition 2020 Buffalo's Best
Blind Squirrels The Tavern Boys Pour House
180 Pints Mungos Village Pizza Pint
Couzins Oneills 1 Couzin's
8 11/12/2024
Prohibition 2020 Blind Squirrels Prohibition 2020
Oneills 1 BYE BYE
Mungos Couzins Pour House
The Tavern Boys 180 Pints East Eden Tavern
BBG Throwing Impaired Buffalo's Best
9 11/19/2024
180 Pints Blind Squirrels Village Pizza Pint
Throwing Impaired Couzins Buffalo's Best
BYE Prohibition 2020 BYE
Oneills 1 The Tavern Boys O'Neills
Mungos BBG Pour House
10 11/26/2024
Oneills 1 Prohibition 2020 O'Neills
BYE Throwing Impaired BYE
Couzins Blind Squirrels Couzin's
180 Pints BBG Village Pizza Pint
Mungos The Tavern Boys Pour House
11 12/03/2024
The Tavern Boys Prohibition 2020 East Eden Tavern
Mungos Throwing Impaired Pour House
Oneills 1 Blind Squirrels O'Neills
BYE 180 Pints BYE
BBG Couzins Buffalo's Best
12 12/10/2024
Prohibition 2020 BBG Prohibition 2020
Throwing Impaired The Tavern Boys Buffalo's Best
Blind Squirrels Mungos Pour House
180 Pints Oneills 1 Village Pizza Pint
Couzins BYE BYE
13 12/17/2024
Throwing Impaired Blind Squirrels Buffalo's Best
Prohibition 2020 180 Pints Prohibition 2020
The Tavern Boys Couzins East Eden Tavern
Mungos BYE BYE
Oneills 1 BBG O'Neills
14 1/07/2025
BBG Blind Squirrels Buffalo's Best
180 Pints Throwing Impaired Village Pizza Pint
Couzins Prohibition 2020 Couzin's
BYE The Tavern Boys BYE
Mungos Oneills 1 Pour House
15 1/14/2025
Blind Squirrels BYE BYE
180 Pints Couzins Village Pizza Pint
Throwing Impaired Oneills 1 Buffalo's Best
Prohibition 2020 Mungos Prohibition 2020
The Tavern Boys BBG East Eden Tavern
16 1/21/2025
Prohibition 2020 Throwing Impaired Prohibition 2020
The Tavern Boys Blind Squirrels East Eden Tavern
Mungos 180 Pints Pour House
Oneills 1 Couzins O'Neills
17 1/28/2025
Blind Squirrels Prohibition 2020 Pour House
BYE Oneills 1 BYE
Couzins Mungos Couzin's
180 Pints The Tavern Boys Village Pizza Pint
Throwing Impaired BBG Buffalo's Best
18 2/04/2025
Blind Squirrels 180 Pints Pour House
Couzins Throwing Impaired Couzin's
Prohibition 2020 BYE BYE
The Tavern Boys Oneills 1 East Eden Tavern
BBG Mungos Buffalo's Best

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