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10625 Deme Dr. Suite G
Indianapolis, IN 46236

Dartboard Standings File for ALMXDB - AL 9 Mixed Dbls

Report Date: 4/24/2024 8:55 PM

League: ALMXDB, AL 9 Mixed Dbls

Report Date: 4/24/2024 8:55 PM

Division A

Team Standings, sorted by Percent Wins

 Team               | Win % | Games | Wins |
 Pat And Camille    |  67.1 |   240 |  161 |
 Dylan And Mandy    |  61.3 |   240 |  147 |
 Wade And Amy       |  60.4 |   240 |  145 |
 Keith And Michelle |  55.8 |   240 |  134 |
 JT And Cassie      |  52.1 |   240 |  125 |
 Jimmy And Cindy    |  50.8 |   240 |  122 |
 Wes And Courtney   |  47.5 |   240 |  114 |
 Todd And Shawnie   |  32.5 |   240 |   78 |
 Chad And Gina      |  22.5 |   240 |   54 |

Combined X01/Cricket games, sorted by Percent Wins:

 LastName   | FirstName | Games | Wins | PPD   | MPR  |
 Goodpaster | Pat       |   240 |  117 | 27.89 | 3.11 |
 Schaum     | Wade      |   240 |  103 | 25.09 | 2.87 |
 Peck       | Dylan     |   240 |  103 | 24.65 | 2.74 |
 LastName   | FirstName | Games | Wins | PPD   | MPR  |
 Johnson    | Keith     |   240 |  102 | 22.64 | 2.48 |
 Hackett    | Wes       |   240 |   88 | 20.43 | 2.38 |
 Neace      | Jimmy     |   240 |   87 | 21.88 | 2.27 |
 Bray       | JT        |   240 |   79 | 20.83 | 2.20 |
 Wiseman    | Todd      |   240 |   65 | 19.34 | 1.98 |
 Stern      | Cassie    |   240 |   47 | 16.45 | 1.74 |
 Norris     | Camille   |   240 |   44 | 17.95 | 1.90 |
 Miller     | Mandy     |   240 |   44 | 17.05 | 1.92 |
 Konkle     | Amy       |   240 |   42 | 15.60 | 1.70 |
 Hofmann    | Gina      |   225 |   37 | 15.37 | 1.57 |
 Neace      | Cindy     |   240 |   35 | 15.54 | 1.57 |
 Fox        | Michelle  |   240 |   32 | 16.37 | 1.58 |
 Scales     | Courtney  |   240 |   27 | 14.72 | 1.29 |
 McAlister  | Chad      |   240 |   17 | 14.34 | 1.33 |
 Bruther    | Shawnie   |   240 |   13 | 13.97 | 1.26 |
 Morris     | Kelsey    |    15 |    0 | 13.83 | 1.22 |

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