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10625 Deme Dr. Suite G
Indianapolis, IN 46236

Dartboard Standings File for HRFDBS - Hog Rock Fall Dbls

Report Date: 5/01/2024 5:44 PM

League: HRFDBS, Hog Rock Fall Dbls

Report Date: 5/01/2024 5:44 PM

Division A

Team Standings, sorted by Percent Wins

 Team             | Win % | Games | Wins |
 Gordon And Mikey |  60.9 |   238 |  145 |
 Chad And Jeremy  |  59.2 |   238 |  141 |
 Jesse And Bo     |  58.0 |   238 |  138 |
 Dan And Mikie    |  55.9 |   238 |  133 |
 Rich And John    |  54.6 |   238 |  130 |
 Brian And Reuben |  41.2 |   238 |   98 |
 Duane And Jeff   |  40.8 |   238 |   97 |
 Logan And Cody   |  29.4 |   238 |   70 |

Combined X01/Cricket games, sorted by Wins:

 LastName   | FirstName | Games | Wins | PPD   | MPR  |
 Perkins    | Gordon    |   238 |   92 | 32.75 | 3.98 |
 Plessinger | Jesse     |   238 |   86 | 31.19 | 3.61 |
 McAdams    | Daniel    |   238 |   70 | 27.03 | 3.05 |
 Hagerty    | John      |   238 |   65 | 22.76 | 2.74 |
 LastName   | FirstName | Games | Wins | PPD   | MPR  |
 Fletcher   | Rich      |   238 |   65 | 24.37 | 2.75 |
 Strunk     | Mikie     |   238 |   63 | 24.77 | 2.80 |
 Hampton    | Chad      |   187 |   62 | 31.93 | 3.74 |
 Price      | Duane     |   238 |   59 | 26.59 | 2.99 |
 Ramey      | Bo        |   238 |   52 | 24.86 | 2.93 |
 Lozier     | Brian     |   238 |   50 | 21.24 | 2.32 |
 Russell    | Jeremy    |   187 |   48 | 26.93 | 3.12 |
 Skiles     | Mikey     |   221 |   47 | 22.80 | 2.58 |
 Davis      | Reuben    |   221 |   45 | 22.50 | 2.53 |
 Wilson     | Cody      |   238 |   43 | 24.45 | 2.71 |
 Lanham     | Jeff      |   238 |   39 | 20.65 | 2.38 |
 Lattire    | Logan     |   238 |   27 | 20.22 | 2.07 |
 Randall    | David     |    51 |   17 | 24.46 | 2.64 |
 Holman     | Frank     |    51 |   14 | 27.26 | 2.80 |
 Goodpaster | Pat       |    17 |    6 | 27.11 | 3.31 |
 Lozier     | Brittany  |    17 |    3 | 15.10 | 1.67 |

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