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Fischels Dart League 
All money must be deposited before start of game.
2 person teams - 208 credits - $13 per person

Location Stats Report for THWF24 - Thursday Waterloo Fall 24

Report Date: 12/11/2024 9:31 AM

League Message
Attention! NEED to pay the $15 sanction fee at the beginning of league
night! This is a one-time fee required by all players.

Team Standings, sorted by Percent Wins

Team Games Wins Losses Win %
Division: A
Bad News Beers 132 101 31 76.5
B And B 144 105 39 72.9
Bulls Deep 132 81 51 61.4
Who Else 132 54 78 40.9
Hermsen 132 46 86 34.8
Thing 1 And 2 132 42 90 31.8
Dirty Laundry 132 39 93 29.5

Most Improved Players for week 13, All X01 games:

Player Team Previous PPD PPD PPD Improvement
Travis Scott Bad News Beers 20.84 21.80 0.96
Janice Conrad Thing 1 And 2 14.67 14.89 0.22

All X01 games, sorted by PPR:

Player Team PPD Games Wins Hats LTon HTon Ton80 HstOut HstTon 10DO 11DO 12DO 5RO 6RO
Spencer Warren Bad News Beers 27.03 66 28 37 148 0 0 141 150 0 0 0 0 1
Andy Spoerre Bulls Deep 23.61 60 21 16 113 0 0 85 150 0 0 0 0 0
Colin Weber Bad News Beers 23.24 54 16 5 79 5 0 134 160 0 0 0 0 1
Ismet Golubovic B And B 21.84 72 28 9 127 0 0 129 150 0 0 0 0 1
Travis Scott Bad News Beers 21.80 12 3 2 18 0 0 113 150 0 0 0 0 0
Justin Else Who Else 20.43 66 21 12 76 0 0 72 150 0 0 0 0 0
Michael Peyton B And B 18.85 72 17 7 66 0 0 66 150 0 0 0 0 0
Tyler Hermsen Hermsen 18.18 66 12 5 64 1 0 78 151 0 0 0 0 0
Emily Spoerre Bulls Deep 16.30 66 14 2 32 0 0 106 150 0 0 0 0 1
Josh Hibben Dirty Laundry 15.82 60 15 1 36 1 0 78 164 0 0 0 0 0
Jordan Peta Hermsen 15.24 66 10 1 18 0 0 61 150 0 0 0 0 0
Janice Conrad Thing 1 And 2 14.89 60 9 0 18 0 0 87 140 0 0 0 0 0
Shelly Hill Thing 1 And 2 14.75 60 9 0 26 0 0 73 139 0 0 0 0 0
Cassy French Dirty Laundry 14.74 60 8 1 17 0 0 145 150 0 0 0 0 0
Mahala Else Who Else 14.34 66 4 0 13 0 0 93 132 0 0 0 0 0
Kimberly Sherbon Bulls Deep 14.13 6 1 0 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 0

Most Improved Players for week 13, All Cricket games:

Player Team Previous MPR MPR MPR Improvement
Emily Spoerre Bulls Deep 1.49 1.54 0.05
Mahala Else Who Else 1.31 1.35 0.04

All Cricket games, sorted by MPD:

Player Team MPR Games Wins Assists Hats WHorse 5MR 6MR 7MR 8MR 9MR
Spencer Warren Bad News Beers 2.90 66 34 12 4 1 26 13 12 1 1
Travis Scott Bad News Beers 2.56 12 2 8 0 0 3 4 2 0 0
Colin Weber Bad News Beers 2.54 54 10 26 1 1 12 9 7 0 0
Andy Spoerre Bulls Deep 2.43 60 22 14 1 1 21 11 12 0 0
Ismet Golubovic B And B 2.26 72 37 23 3 0 26 16 6 1 0
Justin Else Who Else 2.16 66 17 3 0 0 21 8 4 0 0
Tyler Hermsen Hermsen 1.84 66 17 7 2 0 14 4 4 1 1
Michael Peyton B And B 1.83 72 23 37 1 0 15 8 3 0 0
Shelly Hill Thing 1 And 2 1.58 60 5 7 0 0 12 5 1 0 0
Emily Spoerre Bulls Deep 1.54 66 15 23 0 0 10 3 0 0 0
Kimberly Sherbon Bulls Deep 1.43 6 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
Josh Hibben Dirty Laundry 1.43 60 12 4 0 0 6 3 0 0 0
Mahala Else Who Else 1.35 66 3 17 0 0 6 4 3 0 0
Janice Conrad Thing 1 And 2 1.34 60 7 5 0 0 4 6 0 0 0
Jordan Peta Hermsen 1.31 66 7 17 0 0 5 5 1 0 0
Cassy French Dirty Laundry 1.14 60 4 12 0 0 3 0 0 0 0

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