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City Amusement Enterprise
1723 10th St.
Portsmouth , OH 45662

Schedule Report for WAV25 - Waverly Fall 2024 2025

Report Date: 10/11/2024 7:49 PM

# Div. Team / Site Name Site Address Site Phone
1AArmed And Hammered
 243 W N St Waverly, OH 45609 
2AFast And Furious
 243 W N St Waverly, OH 45609 
3AFlight Risk
 243 W N St Waverly, OH 45609 
4AGoof Troop
 243 W N St Waverly, OH 45609 
5AI Suck Bro
 243 W N St Waverly, OH 45609 
6AJay Sucks
 243 W N St Waverly, OH 45609 
7APunishers Inc
 243 W N St Waverly, OH 45609 
8ARoes Hoez
 243 W N St Waverly, OH 45609 
9AShoulda Had It
 243 W N St Waverly, OH 45609 
10AStroke This
 243 W N St Waverly, OH 45609 
11AStruggle Bus
 243 W N St Waverly, OH 45609 

Division A

Week Date Home Away At Notes
1 9/08/2024
Fast And Furious BYE BYE
Flight Risk Punishers Inc EAGLES WAVERLY
Shoulda Had It Goof Troop EAGLES WAVERLY
Struggle Bus Jay Sucks EAGLES WAVERLY
I Suck Bro Armed And Hammered EAGLES WAVERLY
Stroke This Roes Hoez EAGLES WAVERLY
2 9/15/2024
Stroke This BYE BYE
Armed And Hammered Struggle Bus EAGLES WAVERLY
Jay Sucks Shoulda Had It EAGLES WAVERLY
Goof Troop Flight Risk EAGLES WAVERLY
Punishers Inc Fast And Furious EAGLES WAVERLY
3 9/22/2024
BYE Punishers Inc BYE
Fast And Furious Goof Troop EAGLES WAVERLY
Flight Risk Jay Sucks EAGLES WAVERLY
Shoulda Had It Armed And Hammered EAGLES WAVERLY
Struggle Bus Roes Hoez EAGLES WAVERLY
I Suck Bro Stroke This EAGLES WAVERLY
4 9/29/2024
I Suck Bro BYE BYE
Stroke This Struggle Bus EAGLES WAVERLY
Roes Hoez Shoulda Had It EAGLES WAVERLY
Armed And Hammered Flight Risk EAGLES WAVERLY
Jay Sucks Fast And Furious EAGLES WAVERLY
Goof Troop Punishers Inc EAGLES WAVERLY
5 10/06/2024
BYE Goof Troop BYE
Punishers Inc Jay Sucks EAGLES WAVERLY
Fast And Furious Armed And Hammered EAGLES WAVERLY
Flight Risk Roes Hoez EAGLES WAVERLY
Shoulda Had It Stroke This EAGLES WAVERLY
Struggle Bus I Suck Bro EAGLES WAVERLY
6 10/13/2024
Struggle Bus BYE BYE
I Suck Bro Shoulda Had It EAGLES WAVERLY
Stroke This Flight Risk EAGLES WAVERLY
Roes Hoez Fast And Furious EAGLES WAVERLY
Armed And Hammered Punishers Inc EAGLES WAVERLY
Jay Sucks Goof Troop EAGLES WAVERLY
7 10/20/2024
BYE Jay Sucks BYE
Goof Troop Armed And Hammered EAGLES WAVERLY
Punishers Inc Roes Hoez EAGLES WAVERLY
Fast And Furious Stroke This EAGLES WAVERLY
Flight Risk I Suck Bro EAGLES WAVERLY
Shoulda Had It Struggle Bus EAGLES WAVERLY
8 10/27/2024
Shoulda Had It BYE BYE
Struggle Bus Flight Risk EAGLES WAVERLY
I Suck Bro Fast And Furious EAGLES WAVERLY
Stroke This Punishers Inc EAGLES WAVERLY
Roes Hoez Goof Troop EAGLES WAVERLY
Armed And Hammered Jay Sucks EAGLES WAVERLY
9 11/03/2024
BYE Armed And Hammered BYE
Jay Sucks Roes Hoez EAGLES WAVERLY
Goof Troop Stroke This EAGLES WAVERLY
Punishers Inc I Suck Bro EAGLES WAVERLY
Fast And Furious Struggle Bus EAGLES WAVERLY
Flight Risk Shoulda Had It EAGLES WAVERLY
10 11/10/2024
Flight Risk BYE BYE
Shoulda Had It Fast And Furious EAGLES WAVERLY
Struggle Bus Punishers Inc EAGLES WAVERLY
I Suck Bro Goof Troop EAGLES WAVERLY
Stroke This Jay Sucks EAGLES WAVERLY
Roes Hoez Armed And Hammered EAGLES WAVERLY
11 11/17/2024
BYE Roes Hoez BYE
Armed And Hammered Stroke This EAGLES WAVERLY
Goof Troop Struggle Bus EAGLES WAVERLY
Punishers Inc Shoulda Had It EAGLES WAVERLY
Fast And Furious Flight Risk EAGLES WAVERLY
12 11/24/2024 Position Round
13 12/01/2024
BYE Fast And Furious BYE
Punishers Inc Flight Risk EAGLES WAVERLY
Goof Troop Shoulda Had It EAGLES WAVERLY
Jay Sucks Struggle Bus EAGLES WAVERLY
Armed And Hammered I Suck Bro EAGLES WAVERLY
Roes Hoez Stroke This EAGLES WAVERLY
14 12/08/2024
BYE Stroke This BYE
Struggle Bus Armed And Hammered EAGLES WAVERLY
Shoulda Had It Jay Sucks EAGLES WAVERLY
Flight Risk Goof Troop EAGLES WAVERLY
Fast And Furious Punishers Inc EAGLES WAVERLY
15 12/15/2024
Punishers Inc BYE BYE
Goof Troop Fast And Furious EAGLES WAVERLY
Jay Sucks Flight Risk EAGLES WAVERLY
Armed And Hammered Shoulda Had It EAGLES WAVERLY
Roes Hoez Struggle Bus EAGLES WAVERLY
Stroke This I Suck Bro EAGLES WAVERLY
16 12/22/2024
BYE I Suck Bro BYE
Struggle Bus Stroke This EAGLES WAVERLY
Shoulda Had It Roes Hoez EAGLES WAVERLY
Flight Risk Armed And Hammered EAGLES WAVERLY
Fast And Furious Jay Sucks EAGLES WAVERLY
Punishers Inc Goof Troop EAGLES WAVERLY
17 12/29/2024
Goof Troop BYE BYE
Jay Sucks Punishers Inc EAGLES WAVERLY
Armed And Hammered Fast And Furious EAGLES WAVERLY
Roes Hoez Flight Risk EAGLES WAVERLY
Stroke This Shoulda Had It EAGLES WAVERLY
I Suck Bro Struggle Bus EAGLES WAVERLY
18 1/05/2025
BYE Struggle Bus BYE
Shoulda Had It I Suck Bro EAGLES WAVERLY
Flight Risk Stroke This EAGLES WAVERLY
Fast And Furious Roes Hoez EAGLES WAVERLY
Punishers Inc Armed And Hammered EAGLES WAVERLY
Goof Troop Jay Sucks EAGLES WAVERLY
19 1/12/2025
Jay Sucks BYE BYE
Armed And Hammered Goof Troop EAGLES WAVERLY
Roes Hoez Punishers Inc EAGLES WAVERLY
Stroke This Fast And Furious EAGLES WAVERLY
I Suck Bro Flight Risk EAGLES WAVERLY
Struggle Bus Shoulda Had It EAGLES WAVERLY
20 1/19/2025
BYE Shoulda Had It BYE
Flight Risk Struggle Bus EAGLES WAVERLY
Fast And Furious I Suck Bro EAGLES WAVERLY
Punishers Inc Stroke This EAGLES WAVERLY
Goof Troop Roes Hoez EAGLES WAVERLY
Jay Sucks Armed And Hammered EAGLES WAVERLY
21 1/26/2025
Armed And Hammered BYE BYE
Roes Hoez Jay Sucks EAGLES WAVERLY
Stroke This Goof Troop EAGLES WAVERLY
I Suck Bro Punishers Inc EAGLES WAVERLY
Struggle Bus Fast And Furious EAGLES WAVERLY
Shoulda Had It Flight Risk EAGLES WAVERLY
22 2/02/2025
BYE Flight Risk BYE
Fast And Furious Shoulda Had It EAGLES WAVERLY
Punishers Inc Struggle Bus EAGLES WAVERLY
Goof Troop I Suck Bro EAGLES WAVERLY
Jay Sucks Stroke This EAGLES WAVERLY
Armed And Hammered Roes Hoez EAGLES WAVERLY
23 2/09/2025
Roes Hoez BYE BYE
Stroke This Armed And Hammered EAGLES WAVERLY
Struggle Bus Goof Troop EAGLES WAVERLY
Shoulda Had It Punishers Inc EAGLES WAVERLY
Flight Risk Fast And Furious EAGLES WAVERLY
24 2/16/2025 Position Round

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